A. The Setting and Time of Research
This experimental research is carried out at SMP Negeri 2 Tanjunganom, Nganjuk that is located on Desa Malangsari, Tanjunganom district, Nganjuk Regency, phone number: (0358) 771330. It was built in 1985. Although it is near the main street of Warujayeng to Nganjuk city, it has nice atmosphere to learn because it is far away from a noisy place. It is large and surrounded by the rice field.
To sustain and aid the learning activities, SMP Negeri 2 Tanjunganom has complete facilities that support the teaching and learning activities, such as library, biology laboratory, physics laboratory, and computer laboratory. In addition, there are several extracurricular activities provided, those are: English club, music, dance, sports, Javaness music (gamelan), traditional drama (ketoprak) and reading holy Qur’an.
There are twenty five classes in SMPN 2 Tanjunganom. They consist of nine classes for the first year, eight classes for the second year, and eight classes for the third years. There are about 40 learners for each. Most of the learners’ parents are farmers because they live in rural area. Consequently, they have low motivation. They think that it is enough to study up to Junior High School, as a result only some of them continue their study to Senior High School. It can be seen from the data that just about 73% of learners continue to SMA in 2007/2008.
In this case, this experimental research is conducted for eight months from July 2008 up to February 2009. The schedules are as follows:
‘08 Oct
‘08 Nov
‘08 Des
‘08 Jan
‘09 Feb
1. Designing Research Proposal √
2. Seminar on Research Proposal √
3. Developing Research Instrument √
4. Giving Experiment and Collecting Data √
5. Writing Research Report √ √
6. Collecting Research Report √ √
B. Research Method
The research method that is used in this study is experimental research. Frankel and Wallen (1997: 97) state that the basic concept of experimental research is something that is tried to determine its effect. It is one of the most powerful research methodologies, because it is the best way to establish cause – and – effect relationship between variables. There are two variable in this research. They are independent and dependent variable. Independent variables are jigsaw in cooperative learning, static drills on audio-lingual method, and motivation. The dependent variable is speaking ability.
To conduct an experimental research, the researcher planed experimental design. Fraenkel and Wallen (1997: 97) state that an experimental design is a preconceived plan for conducting an experiment. In this case the research had used factorial design in which all levels of each independent variable are taken in combination with the levels of the other independent variable. Frankel and Wallen (1997: 112) state that the design of this research requires a minimum of two independent, with at least two levels of each variable. The minimum design is called a two by two (2 X 2) factorial design. They are two simple effects and two main effects. The simple effects are high motivation and low motivation, where as the main effects are jigsaw in cooperative learning and static drills on audio-lingual method. The diagram of factorial design is as follows:
Table 3.1: factorial design
Main effect
Simple effect Jigsaw technique Static drills
High Motivation
Low Motivation
C. Population, Sample, and Sampling
1. Population
Fraenkel and Wallen (1993: 79) state that a population is the group to which the results of the study are intended to apply. Kountour in Azib (2008: 6) states population is the large group about which the generalization is made. It is defined as all members of any well-define class of people, events, or objects. In this case this research took the first year of SMPN 2 Tanjunganom which consists of nine classes. There are about 40 learners for each. The first year students are beginners, because some of them are 12 years old. According to Shin in Nurkamto (2008: 1) states that young learners are 7 years up to 12 years.
2. Sample
A sample is the small group that is observed in research. Since the purpose of drawing a sample from a population is to obtain information concerning that population. It is extremely important that the individuals included in a sample must be representative. Kontour an Azib (2007: 7) states that sample is a part of population; it must be representative of all population.
In this case the research took two classes as a sample. They are VII-8 and VII-9 where there are about 40 learners for each. This research took class VII-8 as an experimental group and VII-9 as a control group. The experimental group is taught by using jigsaw in cooperative learning and the control group is taught by using static drills in audio-lingual method.
To decide the samples that have high and low motivation, the researcher gave questionnaire of motivation to the experimental group and control group. The result of it is used as consideration to decide sample in this research in which 25% of learners that have high motivation and 25% of learners who have low motivation are as a sample. In experimental group and control group in which there are 40 learners for each, so 25% of each is 10 learners.
3. Sampling
The technique used to get the sample is called sampling. Various sampling procedures are available to researcher for using in the selection of a subgroup of a population that represented that population well and avoided bias. The researcher used cluster random sampling because to take subjects in naturally occurring group or cluster. Fraenkel and Wallen (1997: 279) state cluster sampling involves the random selection of clusters from the larger population of clusters. All the population members of a selected cluster are included in the sample. The research took two classes of seven grades where one class as experimental group and the other as control group.
D. Techniques of Collecting the Data
1. Giving Questionnaire of motivation
Fraenkel and Wallen (1993: 79) say that questionnaire is an instrument that can be used for collecting data in a research. In a questionnaire, the subjects respond to the questions by writing or, more commonly, filling an answer sheet. They also state that it is very helpful for the teacher in conducting research because it can give to large number of people at the same time. According to Burns (1999: 129) questionnaire is easier and less time consuming to administer. Questionnaire was used in this research to know the learners’ motivation in teaching speaking. It also was used to classify the learners who have high and low motivation. The researcher used 50 statements in the questionnaires in the study.
The Indonesia version of questionnaire was presented in appendix …. The four answers were listed according to the order of frequency: (1) always (4 points), (2) often (3 points), (3) sometimes (2 points), and (4) never (1 points). Most of the questions were asked from the positive point of view (e.g. I like learning English), and such question would score 4 points, 3 points, 2 points, 1 point corresponding to the answers of always, often, sometimes, and never. However, these were some questions asked from the negative points of view (e.g. I hate English) and questions like these would score 1, 2, 3, 4 corresponding to the answers of always, often, sometimes, never.
2. Post-test
The researcher used test to measure the students’ achievement in speaking. He gave post-test to experimental group and the control group; it was given to know gained score in speaking ability after they were taught by using jigsaw and the control group by using static drills in audio-lingual method. The aim is which one is better between jigsaw in cooperative learning and audio-lingual method on static drills to beginner viewed from motivation.
E. Technique of Analyzing Data
The data collected for analysis to examine the effects of jigsaw in cooperative learning in this study included: the result of the motivational questionnaire and the score of the oral task in speaking test.
1. The result of the motivational questionnaire.
a. The research used continuum score to analyze internal validity and reliability the items of the motivational questionnaire as follows:
b. The research used frequency distribution to analyze the score of motivational questionnaire.
2. The research will use ANOVA (2 x 2) to analyze the data as follows:
a. The total sum of squares:
= -
b. The sum of squares between groups:
= +
c. The sum of squares within groups:
d. The between-columns sum of squares:
e. The between-rows sum of squares:
f. The sum-of-squares interaction:
g. The number of degrees of freedom associated with each source of variation:
df for between-columns sum squares = C – 1 = 2 – 1 = 1
df for between-rows sum squares = R – 1 = 2 – 1 = 1
df for interaction = (C – 1) (R – 1) = 1 X 1 = 1
df for between-groups sum of squares = G – 1 = 4 – 1 = 3
df for within-groups sum of squares = ∑(n – 1) = 4 +4 + 4 + 4 = 16
df for total sum of squares = N – 1 = 20 – 1 = 19
C = the number of columns
R = the number of rows
G = the number of groups
n = the number of subjects in one group
N = the number of subjects in all groups
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